Wednesday, August 31, 2016

It's Your BIRTH-day & Mother's Day/Father's Day

For the last, I dunno say....8 years Its been heavy on my heart that on the day of my BIRTH-day, I should really be celebrating the person (s) who brought me into this world.

This is actually a holy day, a remarkable day, THE DAY!

It was a decision when conception started to keep or erase me.  .... TRUTH HUH?

But since I'm here, you know "they" decided YES....("they" being my mother and father) decided they wanted me in their lives.

At the age of 30, my mother had already had a son 16 months prior...and then...the news came that they were having a GIRL!

From the story that my mom.... (who is now 77) tells it, you could see the sparkle of joy in her eyes and watch as she became more protective of her body, in what she ate and her emotions.

When it was time for me to come out, she was in the hospital bed in the hallway surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the maternity ward.  Trying to get the attention of others, my dad, grandmother or aunt must have had to hunt someone down because time was ticking and well, just like a party being announced....I WANTED TO BE THERE!!

Mom (in her words), "I told the nurse I was coming and they said it was still too early, but I was already down there with my little hair popping out and she said,  "I had to hold you in"...well, that was descriptive enough.  It sounded painful!

Well, I did come out and mom was so drugged up that when asked, "What do you want to name your baby girl?", mom looked over at the nurse and saw the nurse's name tag and she said, "Cynthia" (in her drug endosed lull of post-birth).

The name that was mentioned and chosen PRE-birth was Sylvia!

So, to this day, I go by the name of Sylvia and Cynthia!  I have two names.  But, folks who can't really say my name, call me Synthony like symphony...and in a way, it sounds correct because, I enjoy singing and dancing and was accepted into Berklee College of Music's vocal performance program and I also auditioned successfully at the Boston Conservatory.  I've been singing forever and dancing.

I could walk before I could dance.  My dear mom wanted a "girlfriend".   A doll to dress, show off, etc.

So, with all the arguments, crying, frustration, name calling and bickering....I still say, my BIRTH-day is a day of celebration and giving thanks to my mother (and late father, who passed away in 2013 from prostate cancer).  They were married for 49 years.

That's another story!

My mother is an actively licensed, yet retired Registered Nurse (w/Master Degree) who served within the United States Air Force as a Lieutenant.  My father was in the Special Forces of the United States of the American ARMY branch and served within the Federal government for over 40 years after I was born for a total of 65 years!

for giving me life and letting me be born on September 1st!

It was party time in 1968 and I couldn't wait to join the action!!!

So with this, I LOVE to help celebrate all those SURVIVORS who knew

Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day VIRGO's 
and mother's and father's of VIRGO's

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Big ticket stores vs eCommerce vs Therapeutic garment fitter

So........ you've been wearing a compression garment OR your clinician has suggested that you wear a compression garment.

It's time to educate yourself about where to go and get your garment.

Many clinicians will tell you the names of a couple places where you can go to get fitted for a compression garment or they will give you a list of places.

Unfortunately, the majority of people will go the route of a catalog or pharmaceutical type store and never get fitted properly for their clinical garment.

Why is this?

#1. Cost of the garment
#2. Old wives tales of the fit of the garment
#3. They don't know how to put on the garment and don't realize the accessories to help them put on the garment.
#4. Many DME's (Durable Medical Equipment) companies only sell basic colored garments and do not offer alternatives
#5. Catalogs offer colors BUT they do not offer a doctor prescribed garment if you receive a prescription.

So, just a word to the wise CAUTION on
* WHAT you purchase
* WHERE you purchase and the....
* WHY of the purchase

It's best to be fitted properly by a Certified Compression Garment Fitter...ALWAYS, before your purchase be fitted (I can't stress this enough) and then try the product on and practice putting the garment ON and taking the garment OFF with your Certified Fitter.

Try a company like, Salon Rx, that comes to your house and fits you for compression garment in the privacy and comforts of your own home or office.

When Appearance Matters....


Written by Cynthia McCrea
*Certified Medical Hair-Loss Fitter
*Mastectomy & Asymmetrical Breast Form/Lingerie Fitter
*Certified Therapeutic/Lymphatic Compression Garment Fitter

Call us now: 314-583-5273